
Monday, December 03, 2007

Sudan President To Intervene In Teddy Bear Case

Okay, that is officially the dumbest post title I have ever written.

KHARTOUM, Sudan (CNN) -- Sudan's president Omar al-Bashir on Monday morning will meet with two British lawmakers to discuss a possible pardon for a British teacher convicted of insulting religion, presidential palace sources told Time magazine's Sam Dealey on Sunday.

The announcement came shortly after the two British lawmakers -- in Khartoum since Saturday to secure the release of Gillian Gibbons -- announced they were delaying their planned departure from the capital, a move widely interpreted as a sign of progress.

Their efforts have been complicated by pressure from hard-liners for Gibbons to serve out the last week of a 15-day sentence for having allowed her students to name a teddy bear "Mohammed." (H/T - CNN)
Would it be offensive if I said that these hard-liners were little more than savages stuck in the Dark Ages? I mean, seriously, some of these people are calling for Gibbons' execution. Her execution! For naming a bear "Mohammed!!!"

I am a semi-practicing Roman Catholic. People make fun of God and Jesus all the time, and they are showered with accolades for it. And what do the Catholics do? NOTHING!!! Do you know why? It's because we have a sense of humor. Oh, and it also has something to do with the the fact that demanding the death penalty for a perceived insult to our faith is insane!!!

The fact of the matter is that Gibbons was not making a joke. She was not intentionally insulting Islam. She named a teddy bear after one of the most popular names in the Islamic faith. For that, many Muslims are calling for her head.

Am I the only one who sees the idiocy here?

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