(Source: AP)
Other Great Contests:
Blonde Sagacity
Cowboy Blob
Gone Rick Motel
Right Pundits
Rodney Dill
RT (I took 3rd Place here last week!)
Photoshop Entries:

Top Ten Entries:
10. "Yep, just confirming the stick is here." - Chris
9. Don't sit down too fast; I have to get this chair in just the right position. - Steveegg
8. Hillary: "I've never done it this way, before. I'm usually coming in from behind." - RT
7. "GAWD, she smells like musty cigars...the things I do to look like a gentleman." - DL474
6. "Hey Hillary, let me push your stool in." - Randal Graves
5. Obama: "Whazzat beeping sound?" - Rodney Dill
4. "Wonder if the bitch'll bounce if I pull this chair out fast enough?" - Old NFO
3. Cowboy Blob's (Disturbing) Photoshop
2. "'Scuse me while I whip this out." - The Man
WINNER! - "Barack Obama gentlemanly lifts Hillary Clinton's testicles out of the way as she sits down before their latest presidential debate." - B.C.
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