
Thursday, October 08, 2015

Demi Lovato Shows Us Her Vanity

Demi Lovato, a woman whose fame boggles me, has completed a naked photo shoot to inspire other women, and to convince men across the globe she is still relevant.

Demi Lovato says she decided to strip down for a nude, makeup-free photo shoot with Vanity Fair because she feels life is too short to play it safe.

The 23-year-old Cool for the Summer star says she was inspired to shoot a spontaneous nude editorial with photographer Patrick Ecclesine for Vanity Fair magazine after the recent deaths of loved ones - her dog Buddy in July and her great-grandfather Buddy Moore in September.

"If there's one thing I've learned in the past day, it's that life is too short."

I agree with her. Life IS too short, so all women - preferably gorgeous women with fantastic bodies - should pose nude for every publication out there. Vanity Fair, GQ, MAD Magazine, etc.


  1. Before anyone asks, no, I am not back. At least not on a regular basis. I simply felt this post needed my unique brand of sarcasm, and this old, dusty blog needed some Google hits.

  2. Anyone remember Demi from her days singin' and dancin' with Barney?

  3. John - She was much less bangable back then.

  4. Consider the blog hit!

  5. Definitely bangable, but obviously with no brains. Video shows a really nice a$$, but not a glimpse of any anterior thoracic areas. (That's boobies to you, Wyatt!)
