
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Cross-Country Season Has Begun

So yesterday was the first Philadelphia Catholic League (PCL) Cross-Country races at Belmont Plateau. The team was ready for running, but Mother Nature brought out 84 degrees, which slowed a lot of the runners down.
Kevin started out a little slower, because when he sprints right out of the gate, he usually gets winded quickly. The captain, Bishop, got out first, and Kevin was third on the team.
I was jogging around certain places to give Kevin enncouragement - namely, yelling at him - and when he got out from Parachute Hill, he was in second place on the team.
You could tell most of the runners were exhausted, what with the terrible heat, and a few freshmen runners didn't even finish the race.
When I saw Kevin, I told him a lot of kids stopped running, and this was your chance. He picked up the pace, and finished with twenty-four minutes.
Bishop finished first, and Kevin finished second. He never ever finished second on his team. Kevin walked up to me and said, "I don't like the time, but I liked being second." Like I said earlier, a lot of runners dropped out. I was glad Kevin finished. It was certainly worth it.
Kevin walked up to Bishop, and Bishop, being Bishop, said, last year at my first race I lost two minutes. We'll get through it.
Kevin finished 40th out of 64, and second on his team.


  1. Nice, I found you and you are still posting. Thought I lost you.
