
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Julia's Field Hockey Team Is Currently 2-0!

So yesterday Julia had her second field hockey of the season, and while it was a close one at Northeast High School, Julia's team won the game, 1-0.
Julia, as always, was stopping everything which came at her, and at one point, she buried a Northeast girl off the field. She played as she always does, going after field hockey balls, and stopping people getting near her goaltender. It was another amazing game for her.
Now, they are playing really well, but sooner or later, the powerhouse teams will be there eventually. Hopefully, the team will continue to play as they have in the first two games.
Of course, there is always something else. Julia decided to do Mathletes this year, but after yesterday's game, she was really stressed because she couldn't do Mathletes and Field Hockey at the same time. She doesn't want to screw over the Mathletes or the Field Hockey, and she doesn't know what to do.
I'm not the best person to give advice, so I just told Jules to pick what you want and apologize for the one she is leaving. She doesn't want to disappoint Sister Alice, but she also doesn't want to screw over the field hockey team. I think she's leaning toward field hockey. I'll support her no matter which she chooses.
Of course, she could change her mind. We'll see.


  1. More kudos. Hope she doesn't have too much trouble making her choice. FYI, my granddaughter scored three goals in her soccer game last Saturday. Kids athletics is always great.

  2. I don't have a clue what I'm doing here, but at least others can see how clueless I am.

  3. I think she's leaning toward Field Hockey, because she doesn't want to leave her teammates.

  4. So she's a princess off the field & a beast on the field. Way to go Julia!

    1. She refuses to get goals past her. She's really a terrific defender
