
Friday, February 07, 2025

Well, Let's Hope The Philadelphia Football Loses On Sunday

As is always, my squad will be transferred from our division to City Hall on Sunday afternoon. You see we have to go to City Hall to "keep the peace" from 4pm to 4am.
You see, the Philadelphia football team will be in the Super Bowl, and we have to make sure the animals - yes, they're animals - won't be throwing rocks and bottles at us. Again.
This is the usual mayhem, and while you would think the officers would be doing this - since we're detectives - no, we have to go down there for twelve hours. This happens every single time when a sports team gets close to a championship.
The bosses said we needed to be in uniform, which is hilarious because they want us wearing our ties; a great idea for the animals to be choking us with the tie.
We were told to bring all our equipment, because it'll likely be very violent whether the football team wins or loses. Here's hoping I only get hit with a few rocks and bottles.


  1. Not a fan of either team, so instead I'll hope you (and the rest of your co-workers) get through this safely. Good Luck!

  2. Good luck tomorrow. Hope you don’t get hit.

  3. Replies
    1. Kitty - 4pm to 4am. At least I made a ton of money.

  4. MelP - They light fireworks about two feet from me. Ears are still ringing.
