Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Stealing other blogger's ideas? Not so much. Inspired to action by the likes of Dr. Phat Tony and Fmragtops, yours truly will try his hand at a question and answer session. Instead of answering questions about the meaning of life (a la the good Doctor) or interpreting your dreams (a la Fmragtops) , I will tackle the daunting subject of psychiatry. You folks need help, and I would like to meddle in your affairs. Just think of me as Dear Earpy.
Audience participation is encouraged, so break out the crayons. Post your questions in the comments section below, and I will have all of your answers tomorrow.
Dear Earpy,
ReplyDeleteI am completely normal, and everyone I know is totally nuts, even my infant son. I am worried that it could be catching. Can I get the crazies from other people?
Doctah Earpy-poo...
ReplyDeleteI get into staredowns with tha wease when I confront him with going pee on the potty. He braces himself for battle each and every time I try and get him to pee in the toilet. Am I better off locking him outside naked where he can just let'er fly? Or should I continue to force him in the bathroom when he has to... go...
(don't let the little weasely grin fool ya, he's got a heck of a mean streak in him!)
ReplyDeleteMeddle - Pink Floyd, 1971.
Dear Wyatt,
ReplyDeleteI'm I normal if I know archaic Pink Floyd releases and relate them to blog posts?
Time to get that CD outta my box upstairs... I love that album!
ReplyDeleteI'm the standard for normality, so wouldn't that mean that everyone who is not like me is abnormal?
ReplyDeleteHi Dr. Earpy,
ReplyDeleteThose ink spot pictures sure look like dead hippies to me, is that normal?
And what should I do with that?
Dr. Earpy (God he's going to hate me again),
ReplyDeleteWhat do you do with a bimodal bulemic when they are:
What piece do you pack on duty and what would you pack if they let you carry anything you wanted to?
ReplyDeleteIs your duty weapon an extension of your phallus? And WHY do you hate your mother?
Dear Earpy,
ReplyDeleteNot to trouble you again, but Mr. Blob's question makes me worry that I could have penis envy, because I miss my MK-19 so much. I must have caught someone's crazy, it's going around like the Bird Flu. (I never kiss birds for this reason)
Why are bloggers CRAZy?
ReplyDeleteDear Earpy,
ReplyDeleteIs it abnormal at all to a have a deep-seated desire to meddle in other's affairs? How about just an odinary interest in watching others? (meddle, Earpy, meddle) *g*
peakah got to ask two so...
ReplyDeleteShould I feed a dog milk bones if it has a potentially fatal case of lactose intolerance?
Should I call 911, if I do?
Dear Earpy, Where were you back in June when I needed help getting over the fact that just about my ENTIRE family moved as far away from Philadelphia (brotha’s & sista’s runnin’ it) as possible?!?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you get if you cross a hippy with a bar of soap?