
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Vacation All I Ever Wanted...

Well, the first week at OBX has been pretty fantastic. Arrived on Friday, and we were on the beach Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Tuesday was a rainout and Wednesday was pretty good. Occasional rain, but nothing too terrible.
I've been either jogging four miles or riding the bicycle for ten miles. Today I went for nearly twelve miles, because the urologist said cycling is better for my prostate problems.
The place where we rented is great. Everyone has more then their share of bedrooms. Erik has been watching the weather and apparently all next week is supposed to be terrific.
We haven't been able to get to mini golf, and haven't gotten to Captain Frank's hot dog place, but we'll get there.
The missus just took Julia to Belk to see if she wanted to look at some new clothes, since it's raining at the moment. Otherwise, everything is good.
Oh, the best part so far... not one person from work has contacted me from work.
I'm trying to get posts up as often as I can.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Bicycle Gauntlet

So, the family and I are on vacation for two weeks in the Outer Banks. I have been getting up early and either jogging four miles or riding a blcycle for ten miles. I like doing it because I'm down to 174 pounds, and the sidewalks are full or walkers, joggers, and cyclists.
Every time I see one go by me, I always say hi or good morning. Everyone is friendly here, so it's a nice change from my town.
So today, I got to mile five, where I would turn around and head back. There was a guy, elderly, who refused to move over so I could pass, after I asked politely. Finally I went off the walkway and went on the grass. Two seconds later, the chain popped off.
I may or may not have screamed the F word at the guy.
I tried to fix the chain, but it wasn't happening. So, I walked the five miles back to the house. Now I'm not saying I was asking for help, but a ton of people walked right past me and never asked, "Hey, are you okay?" Or, "Can I help?" Nothing. I guess they were all too busy.
Any hoo, I walked back to the house, bicycle in hand, and I tried again.
I wanted to finish my ten miles, and she tried to stop me before I went out again. When I got home, I saw she fixed the bike. The missus tried and thank goodness she fixed it.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Thanks Joe Biden

Well, jagoff Joe Biden has decided to not run for president in 2024. Instead, he nominated Cackling Kamala Harris instead. We had this presidency in the bag until the girl sniffer decided to screw the pooch. Literally.
If Biden was still running, Trump would have slaughtered him. Now we have cackle britches, and I worry that - despite her incompetence - that she may have enough idiots voting for this clown that Trump - and the obvious stealing - may not be a cakewalk for Trump.
Yes, I think Trump will still win, but having Biden on the ballot would have been so much easier. Kamala is a moron, but the white female wine clan will still vote for Kamala, because DEI... or something.
Imagine eight years of Kamala Harris. That should be fun.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

He Wasn't Sure If He was Coming Or Going

Meet Kenneth Lee Kelly of Iowa City, Iowa. Kenneth was arrested after he decided to yank his doodle, it's a dandy outside a Kun & Go store.
An Iowa man has pleaded guilty to pleasuring himself outside a Kum & Go convenience store, according to court records. After completing the lewd activity, Kenneth Lee Kelly, 55, departed for his nearby Iowa City residence, police charged.
Well, he certainly had to change his under clothings.
In a written plea, Kelly, seen at right, recently copped to indecent exposure, a “serious misdemeanor.” A sentencing hearing has been set for August 15 at the Iowa City courthouse to “give the victim(s) the opportunity to attend and/or present a victim impact statement.”
Oh, would I love to hear Kenneth's idiotic reason for his lewd shenanigans outside a convenience store.
When questioned by police, Kelly--whose rap sheet includes theft and narcotics convictions--“claimed he wasn’t exposing himself,” but instead was just “scratching his genitals,” cops said.
Yeah, I can't tell you how often I "scratch my genitals" in public spaces.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

I'm Officially A Doctor Now

Well, I never expected to become a doctor, unless you knew that I really liked to play doctor... which I did occasionally. But recently my sister sent me a soda can she found in a supermarket, and she had to send it to me.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Doctor Goodwin.
My sister immediately sent it to me in a text, while I was working, and I decided to assume that I am an actual doctor. So ladies, if you need anything, I'm sure I can help you with any maladies you may need poked or prodded.
Just sayin'. Trust me, I'm a doctor.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

President Trump Shot At Pennsylvania Rally

Well, since everyone threw out their hot takes, I figured I'd toss my own out into the blogosphere. It shouldn't take a MENSA genius to see what happened, why it happened, and the after effects.
Thomas Matthew Crooks was the animal who tried to assassinate President Trump. We're not completely sure why Crooks decided to shoot Trump, it could be a multitude of reasons, but if nothing else, at least Crooks was shot and killed. The fact President Trump turned his head when the shooting started is truly a miracle.
That said, the Secret Service and the Butler County police truly dropped the ball on this one.
A group of people saw Crooks crawling on top of the building, where, amazingly, the Secret Service were standing below the shooter. Many of the witnesses kept screaming that Crooks was on top of the building, and for some reason, neither the Butler County police nor the Secret Service bothered to take a look before the shots fired. Now before you all start screaming, I should also mention the SS woman trying to cover Trump was having a difficult time getting her firearm into her holster. Trump is a giant of a man, and this woman was way out of her league. It was embarrassing, especially since the head of the SS kept reminding everyone that DEI is good for more women at the Secret Service.
I've been in situations where we had to make sure politicians, celebrities, and other dignitaries needed constant surveillance, because you never know when something like this will happen. You can't cover your asset is you're too busy trying to get your weapon in the holster!
Finally, in my opinion, accountability is necessary, and immediately. Kimberly Cheatle needs to be fired, and if not, she needs to be demoted. Dignitary protection is not an easy task, but it's also not for the feint of heart. Respectfully, tiny women who weigh about one hundred and twenty pounds are not going to be able to rush a presidential candidate. Hire women for the SS. That's fine by me, but if they are not up to the task, then they need a new line of work.
Also, the fact this happened in my state really galls me. Just my two cents.

I'm Thinking Of Asking To Be An Aide To President Trump

Considering the issues President Trump has dealt with, I thought I would send a resume to him when he wins - God willing - the 2024 presidential election.
Now why would I even consider a position in the White House. Well, that's fairly easy. I'm a fairly decent shot with firearms, I am brutally honest about myself. I barely got out of Saint Joseph's University, I was always an average athlete. I was a pretty good lacrosse player and a better lacrosse coach, I was a mediocre ice hockey player, and a pretty good runner. Oh, I also like golf, but I am terrible at it.
Unlike a certain lying president, I don't lie every time I open my mouth. I wouldn't swim naked in front of female aides - believe me, no one wants to see that - and if asked, I would be completely honest with my superiors.
That said, I would occasionally ask if Diet Mountain Dew is in the cafeteria, and if so. well, I'd probably work for free. Oh, and I guess I should put it out there that I would not be shooting drugs in the Oval Office.
Oh, I would most likely drool at the occasional celebrity - looking at you Salma - but I would never ask her out.
So, there's my play. Send me to the White House, and trust me, I will never screw over President Trump.
P.S. - This is apropos of nothing, but I am down to 172 pounds. The prostate scare forced me to get in really good shape.

Monday, July 15, 2024

I Have Never Been More Distraught

Before we begin, this will be a very long post, but I would hope you read this in its entirety, since I am putting everything I can into this post.
This is my twentieth year of blogging, and while I usually have stories about crime, or sarcasm, or anything else that people like. Today is not that post. This is a post about the the first girl who really, truly loved me...
The year was 1988.
This beautiful woman above is Meghan Mulqueen. The photo is from when she was playing lacrosse and field hockey at the University of Delaware. I met her at the Northeast Philadelphia Airport in 1988. Meghan's father was a bigwig at the airport, and they were looking for people to work during the summer. My mother asked if I wanted to make some money, and of course, I said, absolutely! So on the first day it was me, Meghan, David, and Jim. The guy running the four of us decided to put us into teams. David and Jim - they were older - and me and Meghan.
On the first day, both me and Meghan got dressed up, thinking that was what they wanted. That lasted for one day. Then they said we'd be painting the parking lot lines. Good idea, since it was a scalding summer that year. Meghan's father wasn't there the first day, and she seemed very apprehensive. I walked over to her, introduced myself, and said, "Come on, I'll show you around." We hit it off quickly. I'd talk to her, we'd listen to the radio outside, and just have a lot of fun.
On the second day, Meghan came in and started stretching in one of the empty rooms. All four of us were athletes, so we followed her lead. Meghan was the best athlete, but I'll talk about that later. David and Jim were painting the walls inside the hangars, and we were still painting the parking lines. When we got outside, Meghan said, "Thanks for working with me. I thought you hated me." I asked, "Why would you think that? I'd rather work with you than the eggs."
Meghan always called us "the three eggs."
Meghan eventually asked me to walk with her during lunch. We'd walk around the airport, talk a lot - mostly about lacrosse - and it was by far the best part of the day. One day we were painting inside an office and we had the radio on. It was really high at one point, and I looked at her. She looked back at me and said, "So?" Oh right, her father ran things there.
I was starting to fall in love with her. I wasn't going to say it, but I was absolutely in love with her. I did my best not to show it, but I couldn't stop looking at her. She was fun, smart, quick-witted, and absolutely beautiful. But hey, I was a very middle class guy, and someone like Meghan couldn't possibly be interested in the poor kid.
And yet it happened.
The summer work eventually ended, and it was Meghan's last day since she was getting ready to go back for her senior year at Marple Newtown High School. (Meghan was a year younger than me.). It was 4pm, and her father was taking Meghan home. David and Jim walked over to me and said, "Are you just going to let her leave? Go to her! Tell her how you feel." I wasn't sure what she would do, expecially in a hangar filled with people. Meghan, being Meghan gave me a giant hug, and said she'll keep in touch.
I walked out to the parking lot, and waved to Meghan as her father drove her home. The last week was awful. I didn't feel complete without her near me.
Some of my friends wanted to meet Meghan. We were going to a double-header at the Phillies game and I asked if Meghan wanted to go to the game. She said yes! We met at the game, and she stayed for the first game, but had to leave after the first game. The guys loved her. She was just as great at the game as she was at work. The first game ended, and Meghan asked me to walk her to her car. We walked together, talked for a bit, and the she kissed me. It was the greatest moment in my entire life. She gave me another hug and another kiss before leaving.
When I got back to the guys, they wanted every single second of what happened in the parking lot. I tried to lie, but they knew she kissed me. It was that moment that I thought to myself, "That's the girl I want to marry."
Meghan kept her word. We sent letters back and forth, and the only real time she was angry with me was when I stood her up because my friends wanted to play ice hockey. It was the dumbest thing ever. I could play ice hockey any day of the week, but my peer group pushed me to go. I felt so bad, and she was not pleased. And yet, she sent a stern letter, but by the end of the letter we were friends again, after I apologized again and again.
Once we were both in college, we didn't talk as much as we did before. Between school, lacrosse, and we got a little further apart. It wasn't anyone's fault, but when I'm at St. Joseph's University and she is at the University of Delaware, it's difficult, especially when cellphones weren't around.
As I said above, Meghan was an amazing field hockey and lacrosse player. Meghan was an All-American, and First-Team All Region for the University of Delaware. She was also awarded Conference Honors in 1991. Meghan attended Marple Newton High School, in Newtown Square, PA where she was an outstanding lacrosse and field hockey player. Meg was a three-year starter on both the varsity lacrosse and field hockey teams and earned many state and local athletic awards. She was instrumental in helping the Marple Newtown girl’s lacrosse team win a State Championship during her junior year. Meg's athleticism and dedication to field hockey and lacrosse earned her an athletic scholarship to the University of Delaware. She captained both teams while earning a Bachelor’s degree in History Education.
Once in a while, I would check Facebook to see how Meghan was doing. She got married to very decent man three years after I got married, and she had two beautiful daughters. She spent most of her life promoting lacrosse, especially for girls. She coached in London, England, and was named as the women's lacrosse coach at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Meghan moved to South Carolina and was the head coach of girls' Fins Lacrosse.
Okay, this is the difficult part. The photo above is Meghan from 2018.
From The University of Delaware in 2018: It is with deep sadness that we share that we have lost a loved one in Meghan Mulqueen Taylor '92, who passed away this weekend after a long battle with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and subsequently Bronchiolitis Obliterans. She was only 47 years old.
For the last three weeks, I have been trying to understand this. Why would someone so good, so special, die so young. I have been taking four to five mile walks and I'm crying the entire time. She was my girl. She was the one I wanted to marry. I would have gladly have the Lord take me instead of Meghan. She was such a better person than I would ever be.
Don't wait to tell the people you love that you love them. Do it quickly, because one day you may want to say something, and that person may already be gone. I have been inconsolabe. I look at her photo and I lose it. My coworkers ask me if I'm okay, and I say, "Sure, I'm good." If I start losing it, I tell them it's allergies.
I never really told Meghan how much I loved her, how much I wanted to be with her, or how sorry I was for some of the stupid things I have done. Now, I'll never be able to tell her how much I loved her, and everytime I see her photo I just bawl.
There are a few good parts here. Julia plays field hockey, like Meghan, and they both wore the #17. Every day, I go into the backyard and shoot seventeen lacrosse balls at our lacrosse net. I've decided do this every single day in honor of Meghan. I still have her letters, which I will cherish for the rest of my life. She always ended her letters with "Love always, Meghan."
I will never, ever forget you.
I feel so badly for Meghan's husband and their daughters. No one deserved this, especially such a terrific person who did so much good in the world.
P.S. - Meghan's husband has a GoFundMe in honor of Meghan Mulqueen-Taylor and her love of lacrosse, we will be raising funds in her honor to build the Meghan Mulqueen-Taylor Memorial lacrosse field on Daniel Island. If you can spare some money for the GoFundMe, I would appreciate it.
I will continue to put some money in as often as I can. Meghan absolutely deserves a lacrosse field named after her.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Toddler Falls Onto Rail Line Rescued By British Hero

A true hero saved a toddler who fell down on the rail lines right before the train passed by the child.
This is the heart-stopping moment a toddler was saved by a hero commuter after falling onto a railway line seconds before a high-speed train thundered past. CCTV footage captured the dramatic near-miss at Newark Northgate railway station in Nottinghamshire last month. The 36-second clip shows the three-year-old boy walking behind two adults before running to the edge of the platform.
Not many people would do such a thing, but this man is extra special. The hero was anonymous, and likely didn't want to brag about his actions.
He appears to lower himself over the edge before tumbling backwards onto the track. A man who was with the child is seen sprinting across the platform while a hero bystander leaps onto the line and lifts the boy to safety. Just 22 seconds later a train speeds through the station without stopping.
It's people like these who make the world a much better on the third rock from the sun. The video can be seen at the link. It's scary stuff.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Crypt-Keeper Hired A Few More Ghouls

Meet Ohio scumbags Karen Casbohm and Bea Feralo. These two despicable people took a corpse and left him in the car as these ghouls drove through the bank drive-thru eventually taking $900 from the deceased corpse.
Two Ohio ghouls have pleaded guilty to propping up the corpse of an 80-year-old man in a vehicle so they could withdraw money from the decedent’s account at a U.S. Bank drive-thru window. In a court appearance last week, Karen Casbohm, 63, and Loreen Bea Feralo, 56, each copped to a pair of criminal charges: gross abuse of a corpse, a felony, and misdemeanor theft.
These pieces of human filth received twelve months and ten months for something so egregious.
Casbohm (left) and Feralo are pictured above. (Note, they are hideous.) Both women have been in custody since their March arrest for mishandling the lifeless body of Douglas Layman, with whom they shared a home Layman owned in Ashtabula, a city about 50 miles from Cleveland. Casbohm was Layman’s girlfriend for the past few years.
If there was any justice, both of these "women" would be spending their lives in jail.