
Friday, February 07, 2025

Well, Let's Hope The Philadelphia Football Loses On Sunday

As is always, my squad will be transferred from our division to City Hall on Sunday afternoon. You see we have to go to City Hall to "keep the peace" from 4pm to 4am.
You see, the Philadelphia football team will be in the Super Bowl, and we have to make sure the animals - yes, they're animals - won't be throwing rocks and bottles at us. Again.
This is the usual mayhem, and while you would think the officers would be doing this - since we're detectives - no, we have to go down there for twelve hours. This happens every single time when a sports team gets close to a championship.
The bosses said we needed to be in uniform, which is hilarious because they want us wearing our ties; a great idea for the animals to be choking us with the tie.
We were told to bring all our equipment, because it'll likely be very violent whether the football team wins or loses. Here's hoping I only get hit with a few rocks and bottles.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

A Med Jet Crashed Three Miles From The Philadelphia Northeast Airport Yesterday

A jet crashed in Philadelphia yesterday. The crash happened less than 3 miles from Northeast Philadelphia Airport, which primarily serves business jets and charter flights.
For the record that airport has planes fly over our house all day, every day.
The Learjet 55 quickly disappeared from radar after taking off from the airport at 6:06 p.m. and climbing to an altitude of 1,600 feet (487 meters). It was registered to a company operating as Med Jets, according to the flight tracking website Flight Aware.
No one seems how the plane crashed so quickly, or how it happened.
In a post on the social media platform Truth Social, President Donald Trump said: “So sad to see the plane go down in Philadelphia.” “More innocent souls lost,” he added. “Our people are totally engaged.”
My neighbor is the Philadelphia Fire Marshal, and was at the site quickly. We're not yet sure how the plane crashed.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Well, This Was A Trying Day

I had my appointment for my basal cell cancer extraction. The doctor is one of the best, and usually I am out quickly.
Not today.
The first extraction seemed okay, but after forty-five minutes, the doctor said there were still cells he had to remove. He started with needles in the nose - not fun - and waited again for another extraction.
The third extraction was the lucky one. All the basal cell cancers were removed, but the other part wasn't much fun.
I have stitched straight down the center of my nose, a horizontal line of stitches under my nose, and stitches inside which will eventually go away. In all, I have twenty stitches in my face, and I'm muh uglier than I have ever been.
If it's okay, I'm going to relax at home for the next few days.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

It's Back Again

Well, I caught another bout of basal cell cancer. It was on the front of my nose, despite the fact I have been using sun screen when I'm out when it's hot.
This would be my third or fourth procedure, but at least my surgeon is really good at this. I guess I have to continue to cover myself when it's hot outside.
The procedure isn't that terrible, and I get a day away from work on Wednesday so I can heal. Wish me luck.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Well, Kevin Is Seeking To Stop Pole Vaulting

It wasn't that he couldn't do the pole vaulting; it was because he wasn't getting over the bars. Yes, he was doing pretty well for a while there, but his high school didn't really have the equipment, and the other schools were galactically better.
He was getting really stressed out, and is likely going to ask his coach if he could stop vaulting. It's a shame because he really liked it, but I think he realized it wasn't for him.
Kevin told the missus that he was getting really stressed, and he wanted to make running his primary sport. He will run indoor and outdoor track and focus on cross-country.
I'm glad he told us, and his coach will be fine with it. His vault coach really liked Kevin, and he did his best to get Kevin ready. His head coach and vault coach are great people, but I think Kevin would rather lose vault than running.
I think Kevin will realize that running is his real passion.
He was in a meet on Friday, and missed his personal record by one second. He still can run like the wind.
I'm glad he made the decision. He was the only male pole vaulter at his school, and he always tried to do his best. I'm so proud of him.
P.S. - It appears I won't be able to see Kevin in indoor races this year beause of my schedule and the fact we are not allowed to take days off if the POS Eagles make it to the Super Bowl.
P.P.S. - Kevin will continue practicing pole vault, and decide if he will do so in outdoor track.
Oh, Kevin also got his photo on January 9th's track meet at the University of Pennsylvania.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Happy New Year 2025

Well, 2024 has come and gone, and while I am a little late on this post, but I wanted to wish everyone a great 2025. Lord, it can't be any worse than 2024.
My therapy went great. My knee is much better now, and it only took a month to get my leg moving like butter. Speaking of moving, I finished 2024 with 893.54 kilometers between walking, jogging, running, and cycling. I wanted to make it to 1,024, but the therapy cut me short for that.
Kids are still doing well. I cannot wait to leave this job. And I really want to do something else from here on out.
Hopefully you are all well, and I an trying to get more posts up as often as possible.
May God bless you all.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Birth Of Jesus Christ

Today is the day that Jesus Christ was born in a manger in Bethlehem. According to Luke 2:1-21...
The Shepherds and the Angels..
8 In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: 11 to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favours!”
Enjoy your families and your friends, but remember the most inportant thing... that Jesus loves us all.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Time Is Almost Here

This is the first time I have been working during the Christmas season. I have always been the top dog - as far as years working - at the division and since I did not think I would have taken the extra year.
It'll be weird, but I'll show up. The kids don't mind, because they wanted to sleep in on Christmas. I don't blame them.
As always I want to remind those with younger kids can follow Christmas throughout the world. You can check it out at Norad Tracks Santa. Our kids watched it every year, and we wait for Santa to fly over Slovakia.
Nevertheless, I still mention my favorite Christmas songs for Christmas Eve.
Because blogspot doesn't allow music videos, I will simply suggest you listen to Run-DMC with Christmas in Hollis.
The better song, in my opinion, is Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses. It's my favorite Christmas song. Sadly, Patty Donahue passed away at the age of forty of lung cancer. Such a shame. Her vocal were fantastic.
I hope you all have a terrific Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

Monday, December 23, 2024

I'm Getting Older And It Worries Me

For those of you who still read this blog - I still post here - you may or may not have seen the post about Mark Flacco, one of my coworkers. He passed away on December 8th. He was 62 years old.
In the past few years, I've seen these great people die. Meghan Mulqueen-Taylor, Sergeant Donna Jean Bachmayer, Cindy Felicitti, Mark Flacco, and the list goes on.
Most of these people above were young, and taken away at the best times of their lives. Obviously, I realize we are all going to die, but I wish I knew why these people went to the Lord so soon.
All these friends were good, decent people, mostly trying to make my city a better place. I don't understand why all my friends were dying so soon.
I understand the Lord has His ways, and I have no reason to call upon God, but the constant funerals simply just perk up my depression. I hope those who have passed on are with the Lord, and their suffering is gone forever.

Monday, December 16, 2024

You'd Think She'd Want To Pray To Jesus

Meet Sherri Chegini of, you guessed it, Florida.
Incensed that relatives were “praying to Jesus in her house,” a Florida Woman (via Tehran, Iran) who told cops she “prays using the Quran and does not believe in Jesus” allegedly battered one of the visitors, an attack that landed her behind bars.
What would Jesus do... According to an arrest affidavit, the verbal praying dispute between Sherri Chegini, 58, and her brother, Peter Chegini, a 63-year-old contractor, turned violent yesterday morning.
Peter told investigators he “was praying with his wife Nahid using their cross” when Chegini “got mad at him” and told him to leave.
Chegini, cops allege, first “picked up Peter’s phone and threw it on the ground destroying it.” When she “then went to attack Peter,” he “put up his arms to defend himself, but Sherri bit his right forearm.”
Seen above, Chegini then “threw Peter’s stuff out of the residence and broke his cross.” At one point, Peter told police, Chegini scratched her own neck and told him, “You’re going to jail now.”
When cops arrived to the Vero Beach residence, Peter had a “bite mark on his right arm which had visible bruising and was bleeding.” His phone, cops added, was “shattered” and “inoperable.”
Well, she seems nice. I wonder what she'll be baking this Christmas. Oh, wait...