
Monday, December 05, 2005

Training Day

"She's filing her nails as they're dragging the lake . . . " - Elvis Costello, "Watching the Detectives"

Jeepers, I'm wiped out. Two hours of sleep will do that to a person. The excitement must have been too great, because I didn't fall asleep until 4am - only to wake up at 6. Day one of Detective Training included lectures by the Major Crimes Unit. Imagine the amount of info one would have to process by sitting through a dozen speakers in seven hours. The lunch hour was greatly appreciated. Don't get me wrong; the training was interesting, but it was a little much for the first day.

There was time for a few laughs, however. A member of the Auto Squad, who showed a video of what happens when a crack addict steals a "bait car," gave the last presentation. A bait car is one that can be tracked and remotely controlled by the detectives to catch idiots.

The camera inside the vehicle showed Cracky Joe steal the car, and while fleeing the scene, he falls asleep! The vehicle swerves, and Joe awakes to find himself propelled into the back seat, then partially ejected through the rear vent window. In the process, Joe is decapitated. Nice! In a prime example of cop humor, everyone giggles. When the instructor asks, "Wanna see it again?" the class replies in unison, "YEAH!"

Tomorrow should be more of the same, unless the city is snowed in. The forecast is calling for 5-8 inches overnight.


  1. As far as first days go, you just can't beat a decapitation!

  2. Decapitations are kinda cool.
    Maybe they'll have an impaling in the next video.

    Hope the snow doesn't cause y'all too much grief!!!

  3. My naughty mind is tittering at the "5-8 inches overnight" part.

  4. We got four inches days ago and it's still here. You're not that far away, you should get some of it too.

  5. You gotta get that movie posted on your site!

  6. You gotta get that movie posted on your site!

  7. Pandy messed me up with those comments, now I think rightwingprof might have a problem there with only 4"! Thanks alot Pandy!! The title of that video should be "Don't smoke crack, you might lose your head"! HA HA HA I kill myself

  8. Let me know when you start taking those single packs of instant coffee and just throwing them in your mouth to stay awake.

  9. Yup, Pandy pretty much messed up any further visuals here:)

  10. Decapitation--before or after lunch?

  11. Uber - Yeah, it was pretty cool!

    CUG - The snow was a wuss. Only about an inch or two.

    Pandy - Thanks for ruining everyone's last meal!

    Prof - Most of it is already gone.

    Peak - Wish I had it in my possession. It was a keeper.

    Sssteve - Yeah, Stella is demented.

    Doc - After working the 12a-8a shift for five years, I am living off Mountain Dew.

    SK - Again, she's a psycho. Why we love her!

    Lin - After. Not that it would matter. In 11 years I've seen worse.

  12. That "decapitation" video would be a great way to liven up a staff meeting.
