
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Enough Is Enough

"The Religion of Peace," my ass!

If you take just one thing away from this post, I would hope it will be this:


"LONDON - British authorities said Thursday they thwarted a terrorist plot to simultaneously blow up several aircraft heading to the U.S. using explosives smuggled in carry-on luggage."

And, surprise, surprise, the plotters are believed to be of Muslims of Pakistani origin. They are not elderly Irish-American women. They are not children from the Czech Republic. They are young, Islamic males! These scumbags will not rest until every one of us - liberal or conservative, young or old, male or female - is dead!

I know what you're thinking: "Wyatt, not all Muslims are evil." That may or may not be true, but if it is not, then where are the American Muslims today? Show me the outrage. Show me the condemnation. Show me the good Muslims that love and support this country.

You can't.

And do you know why? Because I believe that they put their religion before anything else in their lives. I believe that they think when the rapture comes to our shores, they will be spared, and they don't give a pig's arse about what happens to the infidels. I believe that they know that World War III is coming - if it is not already here - and they want to straddle the fence. If the free world wins, they can claim their silence was out of fear. If Islam wins, they can gleefully come back to the fold. Either way, until I hear from someone - anyone - from the American Muslim community, I will consider them my enemy.


  1. I totally agree with that! They don't give a rats rearend about Americans or America, as long as we keep coming into their 7-11's and staying at their hotels! Screw the whole lot of them! I say it's time for them to put up or get the crap out!

  2. Oh yeah, and FIRST!! no flair today I'm to pissed off!

  3. Can we build a fence big enough to keep these nutjobs out of the country? please?

    Can we start denying travel/educational/whatever visas to groups of islamic men? (like the ones who wanted to go to Montana and half never showed up?). I know I won't lose sleep over a foreigner not being able to receive an American education.

  4. oh yeah, one more thing. Can we also round up all of the muslims who are here illegally on expired visas and send them home? Or would that reflect badly on the fact that we won't do the same thing for other ethnic lawbreakers?

  5. I'm not one for Internment Camps, but if the pointy shoe fits . . .

  6. I will admit they are few and far between, but here's one. He seems to understand the threat, quite well.

  7. I'm speechless today. Well, not really, but I don't want to break Wyatt's cursing and tearin' a new one rules.

  8. Whew! I didn't have one comment on this post until 4pm. I thought I was the only one outraged.

  9. No...just slept all day. Now I'll be up all night, again! grrr.
