
Friday, June 21, 2024

Twelve Year-Old Girl Gets Some New Fabulous Drumsticks

Meet Aubrey Sauvie. Aubrey is a 12-year old drummer despite the fact she never had hands. Thankfully, students from Tennessee Tech were able to give her prosthetic hands, which makes it much easy for Aubrey while becoming the newest drummer.
12-year-old Aubrey Sauvie never let her lack of hands interfere with the pursuit of her interests, whether that was Tae Kwon Do, art, or doing her own makeup. Born a triple congenital amputee and missing both arms from below the elbows and several toes on one of her feet, it was from a very early age that she demonstrated to her family that there’d be very little necessity to accommodate her.
Aubrey doesn't let anything or anyone get in her way. She just keeps on drumming.
“It’s just one part of me,” Aubrey Sauvie told WKRN. “It doesn’t make me, me. It definitely was a challenge to learn, but as time went on, it became easier and easier until it wasn’t difficult at all.” Indeed the family photo album is packed with pictures of her in dance competitions, breaking boards with a flying side-kick, or lined up in front of her snare drum with her school band, the drumsticks stuck in the creases of her elbows.
Well done, Tennessee Tech students. Very well done.

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