
Monday, October 03, 2005


We beg your pardon for the noise, but it's a celebration here at SYLG Headquarters. Today at 4:35pm (EDT), this insignificant little blog received its 5,000th visit! And just three days before our four month anniversary. The lucky winner (I think) is Steve (you know, "Firsst with flair!") from Portland, Oregon. Congratulations Steve, you are 5,000th with flair, and an SYLG prize package is enroute.

I want to thank every single visitor for their support over the last four months. Words cannot describe how I feel. I'll try and keep the posts interesting (or at least grammatically correct!).

Editor's note: The SYLG prize package will probably consist of a game-used X-Men hockey puck, a discount coupon for Shoney's, and this trophy presented by an animated naked teen.


  1. Firssst!! Whoooo Hoooo!! Oh Yeaaah!! I'm # 5000.

    And my mama said I would never amount to nutin'!

    I want to take this oppourtunity to thank my lovely wife, who has .... what no time left! going to commercial..! Ah man!

  2. Thanks, brother, I appreciate the support!

  3. Wyatt, congratulations. Keep it up. I enjoy the read.

  4. I feel robbed, as I probably constitute 2500 of those visits.

  5. Congrats, Steve!
    And congrats to you too, Doc!
    Blog on, brother!

  6. I was good for at least 1500.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Trying again. How do you get 100 google referals to thsi

  9. Tony - Thanks. I enjoy the site meter hits :)

    Pandy - Quit yer whinin'. I think you just won a bouncing baby boy!

    Anon - Thanx!

    Doc - Yeah, yeah. 5,000 is a drop in the bucket for a hit-meister like yourself. I never had national recognition . . .yet.

    CUG - Always good to here from my bro in Ohio.

    Ty - Between you and Doc, you guys got 4,000? Yeah, that's about right. Thanx!

    Ty - I wish I knew. I'm not complainin', but why are so many people checking out that pic???

  10. congrats my bruddah, keep up the good work...

  11. SYLG,
    First of all keep up the good work. You have one of the few blogs that is truly enjoyable to read. Good luck on the next 5000.
    Secondly I would like to send congrats to Mr. 5000(steve), my brother. Mom always knew you would amount to "something"!!!
    Good job, bro!!
    By the way, you are required to share your spoils!! :)
