
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Ask Doctor Earpy

During my three tedious weeks of promotional training, SYLG has suffered from a lack of funny. (As opposed to the unbridled bouts of hilarity that are usually found here.) Thankfully, Dr. Earpy has your prescription right here. Send me your questions, problems, issues, or whatever the hell the voices in your head are saying.

Post your questions in the comments section, and I'll have your answers on Friday afternoon.


  1. I feel selfish, Stevie--you go first!

  2. If I strangle, oops I mean hug a hippy right before I am to eat my meal, should I wash my hands?

  3. When you drive to work at South West Defectives, will you take the expressway, or surface streets?

  4. Ah, geeeeez...South West???? Ay yo! Ooops, you wanted questions, not wise arse remarks. What is the relationship between uniformed police and detectives? What types of things do you actually do? Don't say, "I'd tell ya, but then I'd have to kill ya." Thanks. :)

  5. I thought South West would sound more like yanamean...

  6. Actually, more like, "DUCK!"

  7. Now that you're Detecting do you still have a gun?

  8. If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, do the hippies still blame George Bush?

    Oh, wait, that's way too easy.

  9. What ever happened to Damian? Why is he commenting on IMAO?


  10. Are you more of a Shaft detective or a Magnum PI detective?

  11. How jealous is Tyler D. that I'm posting at IMAO?

  12. Well, I won't be here Fri, Sat, Sun or Mon! I hope you and your family have a great Christmas and you get to put together lots of stuff for your kids! hehehe

    I'm going to ask a question anyway! If they can send people to the moon, why can't they make computers and cars that are indestructable????? Are you feeling my pain?

  13. When you arrest a suspect just how much torture is permitted? I understand that with your Earthling Repuclicans in power you're even allowed to force suspects to listen to Celine Dion and Eminem, something that's banned on most planets under the Treaty of Oglaplax-9.

    Also, please post all information you have about the state of your planet's defences.

  14. Is your job like Law & Order where it always turns out to be the religious or politically conservative guy like in the episode described here http://vox-poplar.blogspot.com/2005/12/flaw-odour.html ?

    How do you feel about other bloggers using your comments section to flog their own blog? ;)

  15. YEAH I AM!

    No I'm NOT!

    What ever! What ever!
