
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

New Kid On The Block

"You know what, I do want to express myself, okay. And I don't need 37 pieces of flair to do it!" - Joanna, Office Space

It was only a matter of time. "Firssst with flair" Sssteve, one of my regular commenters, finally started his own blog. He must have figured since he has written over 50,000 words in various blogs, he could eliminate the middleman and write in his own space. Check him out and make him feel like one of the family.

And by that I mean beat him up and insult him on a regular basis.


  1. By all means go and insult!! I love that best!!

    Oh yeah... wait for it..

    First with Flair!!

  2. Really though I just hope that I don't totally fail. I look up to all of my blogging bretheren and sistern (is that even a word). Thanks again for the support!

  3. Wyatt,
    I taught him EVERYTHING he knows!!!
    I should get some recognition!!

  4. Went there, read your comment. :( grrrrr Consider yourself well and truly haunted. I'm gonna go play at Bob's and Sssssteve's (Stevie for mom) place, they appear to appreciate a good stalking (unlike some people)! *sniff*

  5. Hmmmmm...competition for my superior FIRST1ness.

    Welcome to the blogosphere ssssteve!

  6. "(is that even a word)"

    It is now.

    Keep up the bloggygoodness Wyatt. ;)

    See? Making up words is fun!

  7. I thought Stevie already had a blog--who's the pirate?

  8. Sssteve - Now, remember to thank me for your impressive increase in site visits!

    JC - I am SO not getting involved in your family disputes!

    SK - Oh, you love me.

    CUG - It's like dueling banjos, but with posting.

    Uber - How true. And, as a guy, I think I speak for everyone when we say we appreciate your "Gigity-giggity-giggity-ness."

    Anon - Different guy. Sssteve may dress up like a pirate, but Steve the Pirate was the original.

  9. I only dress like a pirate when you wear the wench dress

  10. Sssteve - I was hoping to see "wench dresses" on Uber, SK, Linda, etc. I don't have the legs for it.

  11. I second both those statements!!
