
Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday

How ironic is it that many of the liberal toads that scream “separation of Church and State” for 364 days of the year have no problem having the day off today?


  1. I wish we had gotten today off. Then I wouldn't have spent a half hour trapped in an elevator this morning.

    Stop laughing...

    And I'm still not home with a beer in hand.

  2. I've come bearing salt for wounds...I've had off all week, and I don't have to go back until Tuesday. :)

    Sorry about the elevator.

  3. rt - Where do you work? I want to work there!!! Are there elevators? ;)

    Eh, in 3 days I'll be at a Jimmy Buffett show. And I finally got home and got my beer. Things are looking up.

  4. I am a high school teacher (that motivates, that actually teaches, and a teacher who has very high expectations).

    Yes, there is an elevator that I have to take for health reasons (getting closer to not using it). I've had my share of getting stuck on it, too. :) Yep, twenty-five giggly faces yucking it up at my expense.

  5. rt - One of my good friends is a 3rd grade teacher. When the schedule permits, I help out in his computer lab. After 1 hour, I'm exhausted. I have a new found level of respect for teachers. Thank you for what you do.

  6. I'm very blessed to teach in a school district that employs very high expectations. The parents are really involved and share the same vision for the kids. I cannot tell you what a difference it makes to have parental involvement and unwavering high expectations. There are parents and students who believe that merely being in our district means instant success (without effort); those students don't usually do as well. (The mentality that expects an "A" grade for "D" level work drives me insane!)

  7. For anyone who didn't notice, it was JESUS CHRIST who INVENTED the idea of Separation of Church and State. When saying his radical new idea, give to Caeser what is Caeser's and give to God what is God's, it was seen as blasmefous and revolutionary. Now liberal assholes think it's all them and Christians are the enemy! Losers.
