
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Dang. I Was Pulling For Wolverine!

Which X-Men character are you most like?

You are Cyclops! You are attractive and strong, in a boy scout republican sort of way. You are set firm in your beliefs, which is not necessarily a bad thing. But often when faced with a conflicting opinion you become defensive and angry and prone to conflict. You like to be a leader, but you must acknowledge that there are some situations which others are better fit to deal with than yourself.
Take this quiz!


  1. Let me be the firrrrrrrrrrrst to say that I am Storm.....is it chilly in here or is it me. Hey, I'm unique...1 percent got my result. ;)

  2. RT - I think that means you're a whacko. Heh.

  3. Dude, Cyclops is gay...seriously! He tries to act very cool and hetero whilst (yes, I said whilst) staring at the man junk.

  4. By the way...I AM WOLVERINE!

  5. "in a boy scout republican sort of way"

    (insert evil snicker here...)

  6. STORM?


    Stoopid movie question.

  7. wppbjHow did I get Dazzler???

    Actually, I read the post and thought, "Hmmm, I would have thought that I would have gotten Cyclops. And then I got Cyclops. So, I didn't get TaskMaster, but at least my Psychology training has me focused enough that I know myself.

  8. Storm here! What kind of poll is this?! They asked about movies and I'd only seen maybe two of the ones on the list.

    Blowing wind on people is not exactly the most masculine skill. If i was really storm I'd walk around shooting lightning at people all day.

    Unfortunately, my superpower would be my biggest weakness. Cause if I had breasts like Halle Berry, I'd never leave the house!

  9. Randal - Cyclops is gay? Didn't you just LOVE Thirller when you were in high school?

    Fm - You suck!

    Rachel - You just wanna see me in a boy scout uniform.


    Deathlok - I figured you for Jubilee.

    Vinnie - "Cause if I had breasts like Halle Berry, I'd never leave the house!" Yet another low for SYLG.

    SK - You could have done worse. You could have gotten Storm like Tyler. Heh.

  10. I'm most like Wolverine--need serious work on the nails!

  11. Oh...and thanks for pulling for me, cowboy! hehe
