
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A Message From William Jefferson

Hello, I am U.S. Representative William Jefferson (D-La). In today's fast-pace, get-it-done-yesterday world, who has time to prepare fresh meals on a daily basis? Thankfully, the good folks at Tupperware can make it happen.

We all know that Tupperware is the world's leader in food storage products, but did you also know that it is an invaluable tool for hiding your dirty money? Only Tupperware has the trademark burp that seals in freshness. If you don't believe me, just ask the FBI. They will tell you that they never seized currency as fresh as mine. When I betray the public trust, Tupperware is the only product I heartily endorse.

Tupperware: Guaranteed to Seal in Freshness from 25 Years to Life.


  1. I love it!!! This guy is despicable but remember that the culture of corruption belongs to Republicans--whatever!!!!!!

    I did a TV post today and linked to your great post on Prison Break.

  2. The Tupperware Fresh currency is preferred by Marion Barry.

    Speaking of which, how many people do you think see Congressman Marion Berry and say "I can't believe that Drugged out Mayor got elected to Congress. . . .Shame!

  3. Hysterical! I used to sell Tupperware:) Wish you could've helped with an ad campaign! LOL

  4. More like "get off the hook"! Those crappy "RINO's" we elected won't doa anything to him!!

  5. Not only did he realize the trustworthy nature of Tupperware, but he also got to witness the dedication of first responders when he yanked them off the job of rescuing people in New Orleans to take him to his house to make sure his nick-nacks were in place.

    I believe Marion Barry prefers to store his crack in the Tupperware.

  6. The last laugh is on us, the American public--all the Congressmen, Republicans too, want the FBI to return the stuff taken from his Congressional office. They sure do stick together, don't they?

  7. LMC - I read it. Thanks!

    Deathlok - The same amount of people who ask how Hillary Clinton was elected Senator.

    SK - Jefferson sells it much better than I ever could have done.

    Ssssteve - Tell me about it. Arlen Specter (?-PA) is an embarrassment.

    RT - Yeah. Nice guy.

    Miriam - Absolutely. Dennis Hastert, a Republican, is dead to me. There are rumblings that he is under investigation, too - which would explain his defense of Jefferson.
