
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Stupid Questions

Why is the Philadelphia FOP President spending our money to mail us his letter of intention to run for City Council? And who the hell is running our FOP while he is running for office?

With all of the human and signal intelligence collected by our military, why would anyone object to a general heading up the CIA?

Is anyone going to watch the 7th Heaven series finale? I hear Jessica Biel will make an appearance. Mmm . . . Jessica.


  1. "Why is the Philadelphia FOP President spending our money to mail us his letter of intention to run for City Council?"

    -Why should he spend spent his own laundered (I mean hard earned) money on his City Council campaign when a bunch of 'worker bee' cops will pay for it for him.

    Typical city politics. This guy would probably suck ass as a city councilman, but if he gets enough lemmings behind him, he'll pull out a victory...and there are plenty of lemmings in philly.

    How many jackasses vote Democrat (or Republican or whatever) just because that is how they are registered or because that is what their parents told them to do the first time they voted.

    I wonder where he stands on the city smoking ban?

  2. Hmmm...was the FOP president actually running the FOP in the first place? Is he running for Mariano's seat? It would only make logical sense. Ha Ha!

  3. Randal - Well said. I think that too many people vote for a party because that's what it says on the card. As if they can't vote for anyone else. The fact that there hasn't been a Republican mayor in this town since the '40's lays truth to that. Jackasses.

    On a brighter note, Union Goon (read: Corrupt Scumbag) John Dougherty is running for mayor in '07. And with the union thuggery that goes on here on election day, he'll probably win in a landslide.

    RT - No. Mayor Street currently runs the FOP if you see some of the decisions that are made down there.
