
Sunday, June 04, 2006

Evil Is Afoot!

While all of you folks were partying like it was on sale for $19.99, I was fighting evildoers. Here's the rundown:

Friday - My first job was also my only job of the day. Get this: scumbag ex-boyfriend pulls up to a bus stop at rush hour. He starts an argument with ex-girlfriend, then forces her into his minivan and takes off. While they are driving and arguing, the scumbag pulls a knife from underneath his seat, and slits ex-girlfriend in the neck, and stabs her in the shoulder. Scumbag says he is going to kill ex-girlfriend, and dump her body.

Ex-girlfriend says she loves him in an effort to make him stop. He agrees to drop her off at the hospital only after she promises not to call the police. Ex-girlfriend agrees, (read: lies) and is dropped off at the hospital. Ex-girlfriend tells the nurses what happened, and the docs call 911. Scumbag locked up.

I get the job, and have to process the crime scene, impound the vehicle, interview the victim, get a search warrant for the minivan - which, if you read Fmragtops' brilliant piece about warrants, you'll know this is a lot of work - and find the weapon, which happened to be back under the car seat, covered - like the minivan - in blood. Swell. I charged this toad with ten counts, including the obvious, attempted murder. When I asked him if he wanted to talk, he said he'd take his chances with a jury. I have a witness, photos of the victim, the knife used, and photos of his van. Good luck, jackass!

Saturday - I am assigned to the desk, which is usually a bit of a break, since the desk person doesn't get any jobs that day. Unfortunately for me, the computer was down the entire day before, so I had to log in almost 50 jobs. Swell.

Sunday - After a lame attempt to get caught up on my jobs, I get another disaster: a domestic stabbing. Scumbag woman is arguing with another woman inside their apartment complex. Scumbag decides a beer bottle is in order, so she breaks it . . . across the other woman's arm. Not satisfied, scumbag takes the broken bottle and slices the woman across the other arm. Scumbag is arrested, and when I ask her if she wants an interview, she tells me to get lucky with myself. Lovely.


  1. So.....did you get lucky with yourself? J/K

    If my loved one sliced my throat, that would be a definite deal breaker! Even a little shove, actually. Homey don't play that! I hope the first victim is done with her hero. You deal with some vile people, cowboy! Just remember the rest of us are stellar! ;)
    BTW, where can you party for $19.99?

  2. another day, another doller (minus that philly earned-income tax of course), and less scumbags roaming the city streets. keep up the good fight, wyatt

  3. How do you not shoot half of these people in the head? I don't believe I'd have the patience to be a very good law enforcement officer. An executioner, yes, but not cop. Although I love donuts and handcuffs.


    Am I the only one outraged by the desecration of a beer bottle.

    People Suck!
    Beer Good!


  5. DL, that was funny!

    Wyatt, what is with all the stabbing?! Was it stab your neighbor day in Philly?! I agree with grimjack!

    Me: "Do you want to talk about it?"

    Scumbag: "Get lucky with yourself!"

    Me: POW, "crap, how did my gun go off!?"

  6. Sounds like fun Wyatt. Is that one of those things like, "The deeper the cut, the deeper the love?"

    Thanks for the linky love!

  7. Just wait 'til the heat really hits. You'll definitely have your hands full in the city. What a nightmare.

    Be careful out there, Mr. Earp.

  8. So do you feel lucky??? Do ya, punk!!?!?

    Just when I thought the only crimes in Philly were gun crimes. You really deal with some beauts. Tomorrow should be a boatload crazies! Hope you don't have to work.

    What do you say when idiots say stupid crap to you. You gotta be able to say something sarcastic...it would be over their heads anyways...too dumb to understand.

  9. Lin - I am pretty sure she won't go back.

    Michael - The fight is getting tougher.

    Grimjack - I applied for executioner, but the police called me first.

    Deathlok - It was okay. It was Bud. Bleech!

    Sssteve - All of my self-control is used up at the end of the day. Then I have none left for dieting.

    Fm - No prob. And yeah, the cut was deep, so the love must've been deeper.

    AH - It's about 50% of the time.

    Anon - August is gonna suck!

    RT - I am one of the kings of sarcasm in the division, because I can't call them $%&@#(!
