
Monday, June 05, 2006

The Few, The Proud, The Scumbags

I am referring, of course, to those empty-headed media jackasses who, like those on the Duke Lacrosse “rape” bandwagon, have tried, sentenced, and convicted the Marines accused of killing civilians in Haditha, Iraq. These are the same people who are referring to the incident as a “massacre” and the “willful killing of innocent civilians,” at every turn.

Michael Savage hit some terrific points the other day on his radio program, including posing the question, “Who defends the defenders?” Savage went on to state that everyone in America is innocent until proven guilty . . . unless you are a police officer or a member of the armed forces – then the opposite is true. He couldn’t be more correct. In my profession, when a cop is accused of doing something unsightly, it is always the lead story in the media. The accused’s picture is plastered all over the airwaves, and the gallows is prepared.

The same is true in this case. Far too many people are rushing to judgment before all of the facts are uncovered. What is particularly galling is that these same people were nowhere near Haditha when the alleged incident occurred. They should know better, but of course, they do not. Look, if the Marines are tried and convicted, the talking heads can do and say whatever they want. Until then, they should all drink a tall, cool glass of shut the hell up.


  1. This is very sad and unfortunately only those involved truly know the truth. What saddens me (in addition to the defenders being trampled) is that the families are complaining that they didn't receive enough financial compensation for their kins' deaths. We know where their true motives lie, eh?

    Call me naive, but I just can't imagine a entire group of Marines going ape-s*** and taking out all of those people. There is a guy that will and does snap in the very rare instance, but I just can't imagine them killing innocent people in that manner. Just doesn't ring true....even with the traumatic stress endured leading up to those events. It doesn't wash to me. But, what do I know.

  2. yeah...i'm a doofus...iweip is me. sorry

  3. Maybe we can ship Murtha and Kerry over there to see how things are progressing firsthand?

  4. Hey, I want to go on record right now as defending the defenders! I will not, under any circumstances, support the shipping of Kerry and Murtha anywhere around the troops. All that incessant babbling could kill the troops' morale.

  5. Ditto Jimmyb's comments. This issue has really been ticking me off, big time!!!!!!!! Our soldiers and our policemen deserve sooooooo much better than how they constantly get trashed by the MSM.

    But I still dislike Michael Savage with a passion even if he is right on this particular issue.

  6. I saw a video of small boys throwing grenades at a convoy in Iraq.
    We know they use mosques to store ammunition and to shoot from. I'm waiting for the facts.
