
Thursday, July 06, 2006

Congratulations Are In Order

Congratulations to my friend Bill, who was named Senior Vice President of Huntingdon Valley Bank today. As Vice-President, Bill is responsible for the following duties:

1. He must step in to the top job if the Bank President is assassinated.

2. He gets the tie-breaking vote in the Bank Senate.

3. He must represent the bank at state dinners (and hopefully, will not vomit on the Japanese).

4. He can shoot his friends while quail hunting and avoid prosecution.

5. He can misspell "potato."

Congratulations, Bill! (And, yes, ladies, he's single!)


  1. Does he have to work on the issue of global warming being caused by too much ATM usage? You know, they reflect the heat of the sun back into the atmosphere.

  2. Uh--oh...does he have the vault combo?
