
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My New Hero

White House Press Secretary and really fun guy Tony Snow is the greatest hero in American history. Why? Well, because he recently verbally bitch-slapped Helen Thomas . . . again.

Thomas (The Muppet) was ranting and raving that the U.S. could have and should have prevented the Israeli retaliations against Hezbollah in Lebanon. You remember Hezbollah: they were the fine, upstanding men responsible for the murder of over 200 U.S. Marines in their Beirut barracks in 1983. Anyway, Thomas was (once again) ripping the Bush Administration for not keeping the proverbial leash on the Jooooooooooos - the muppet is of partial Lebanese descent - while sticking up for terrorists. When the dust in a dress finally shut her word hole long enough for Snow to get a word in, he commented, "Thank you for the Hezbollah view."



  1. I know, I just read this on someone else's blog and thought it was awesome!!!!!! I love Tony Snow!!

  2. I saw the video of it somewhere, but can't remember where. He finally got pissed at her, and something to effect of, alright, I've had enough of you. Next question.

  3. Tony Snow for President!!!!! He could be his own press secretary. He's awesome. Glad his health has improved.

    Well, now we know why they where veils...look at Helen.

  4. WEAR, damnit!!!! I do know proper word choice. grrrr.

  5. I heard the audio...it was classic. Helen Thomas needs to be put out to pasture already!

  6. I loved Tony Snow before this, not I'll just worship him;)

  7. *NOW* not, not......jeeeesh

  8. heh damn I missed that one.

  9. I visited the Holocust Museum in DC this past weekend. Now I'm thinking that Israel is showing a lot of restraint.

    Lebanon is harboring terrorists, and got attacked for it. Not much unlike Afganistan.

    I read that the Russians are calling for restraint. I'm wondering if it is like the retraint they showed Hungary and Checoslavakia (yes I know it's spelled wrong), or the Chechnia restraint, or maybe the retraint they showed in Kosivo or getting their people out of Chernoble?

  10. Tony Snow is awesome.

    Helen shouldn't be put out to pasture, they ought to just shoot her, look at all the jerky we could get out of her!

  11. Damn. Insightful comments all around. Someone dial 911!

  12. Wyatt, I tried to send this to you yesterday, but my email is acting like a drunken Boris Yeltsin in front of an orchestra.

    I can't wait to see how he beyotch slaps her next time.
