
Monday, June 03, 2024

The Belt Looks Good On Her

While Kevin earned his black belt last year, it was Julia's turn on Saturday. When she woke up, she was stressed out. Then about a half hour later, she wanted to get to the Kempo school. She was all over the place, worrying she wouldn't be good enough. Well, she overachieved. She was paired with two other girls, and they kept fighting and working with their hands and feet. At one point, one of the male teachers was sparring with Julia, and the teacher hit her a little too hard. Knocked her glasses off and one lens fell out of the glasses. No worries, Julia kept going.
The teacher kept apologizing and Julia kept on fighting.
The sensei who runs the school was terse at her and the other two girls when he thought they were slacking. The girls didn't like the admonishment, and the three went as hard and fast as they could. Toward the end of the test - it went for three hours - Julia was the first to work with her bo staff. You can see it below, and she dominated. At the end, the sensei, simply said, "Awesome."
I am always proud of my kids, but for Julia to be in such beast mode for three hours is just amazing. I am so very proud of her.


  1. Way to go Julia! At this rate, you can protect your dad in his old age!

  2. Buckaroo BanzaiJune 03, 2024 5:22 PM

    She worked so hard to get the weapons right and the movements. She crushed it.

  3. Buckaroo BanzaiJune 03, 2024 6:05 PM

    Obviously, she was exhausted after the three hour test.

  4. Replies
    1. Buckaroo BanzaiJune 03, 2024 7:40 PM

      She really did well. So proud of her.

  5. Nice stick work!
    Marked Safe From Biden Sniffing!

  6. Buckaroo BanzaiJune 04, 2024 12:47 PM

    She'd smack him with her bo staff. Looking to get back on WordPress soon and should be up by November. Until then, I'll post here. Not blogging is really annoying.
