
Friday, June 16, 2006

A Very Special People I Hate

Yeah, I know, I'm late; but after spending just enough time in court to get home, shower, change, and rush of to work again, I never had time to post.

And look what happened: the flaming libs took over.

I realize that a lot of you are pissy about Randal, Grim, and Vinnie's lefty rantings. My trouble with them is not their whacko Bill Clinton/Helen Thomas political views; it's that they have no problem trying to tell people how to run my blog. (Of course, that didn't happen when I pimped Grim's blog out the wazoo, or profiled Vinnie, but that's another topic.) And that is the real issue. Blogger is free. Anyone can do it.

So when my brother, er, Randal, comes on and states that "Everyone has 'lived' in this blog with little to no disagreements for a long time. Seriously, take a look at some of the responses; there's a lot of butt-smooching going on; Wyatt's butt is big enough, but c'mon. Some of the comments should have "Shiny, Happy People" playing in the background," it offends me as a blog host. This is why I say he doesn't get it. I rarely post anything even remotely political to avoid this crybaby infighting. And if he read SYLG more often than attacking it, he would know I have ripped Bush on several occasions, threw Sean Hannity and Michael Smerconish into PIH, and openly admit I voted for Clinton in '92. Hell, I even published my very first piece of hate mail, complete and uncut.

Thankfully, after 34 years, I have learned that Randal (like Terrell Owens) is all about Randal. Everyone else takes a back seat. Randal, if you don't like what I am posting, please - I beg of you - move on. I had enough trouble fighting "friends" who tried to take over my first blog. I won't do it again.

Having said that, I also refuse to censor anyone - unless they drop "F" bombs or personally attack either me or my readers. And the comments on the last post - while stopping short of the personal attack boundary - are coming very close. It's enough.

Which (finally) brings me to my point. I don't blog for you. I blog for me. I am glad people stop by and (some people) are entertained by it, but the second blogging becomes work (or worse yet, stressful) I'll hang it up. And to be honest, right now blogging isn't all that fun. Especially when I have to censor myself to avoid another round of fisticuffs between my conservative and liberal readers. Disagree if you must, rip me if you desire - despite what you may think, I can take it - but quit attacking each other. Cripes!


  1. You go Wyatt!!! Well said!

    Now I've already reprimanded you about Hannity but you voted for Clinton in 92--aaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Just kidding--LOL!! None of us are perfect.

  2. Heh, I always had a sneaking suspicion you felt that way. That's why I held my tongue. It's a hard thing for me to do, being as it's all wet with saliva and squirmy. I won't breech the peace.

  3. Can't we all just get along? :)

    Everyone has their on personally held beliefs and opinions on every subject under the sun. Therefore, we are entitled to our opinions...whether we like someone elses opinion or not should not mean that we browbeat them to the point they don't feel they can share. Afterall, we truly never know which side is completely right or wrong...in the end humans are humans and have the frak-up factor. In plain English...some people should lighten up, realize you can yell at the tv screen, but nobody will hear you. AND Just because someone has differing viewpoints on things doesn't mean you're right...no matter what side of the fence you stand.

    I love coming to this blog to laugh...and sometimes provoked to actual real thoughts, but the venom I see does tend to put-me-off...isn't there enough drama in the world already?

    Just sayin'...

    BTW...well said (and written), Wyatt.

  4. Can't we all just get along? :)

    Everyone has their on personally held beliefs and opinions on every subject under the sun. Therefore, we are entitled to our opinions...whether we like someone elses opinion or not should not mean that we browbeat them to the point they don't feel they can share. Afterall, we truly never know which side is completely right or wrong...in the end humans are humans and have the frak-up factor. In plain English...some people should lighten up, realize you can yell at the tv screen, but nobody will hear you. AND Just because someone has differing viewpoints on things doesn't mean you're right...no matter what side of the fence you stand.

    I love coming to this blog to laugh...and sometimes provoked to actual real thoughts, but the venom I see does tend to put-me-off...isn't there enough drama in the world already?

    Just sayin'...

    BTW...well said (and written), Wyatt.

  5. Sorry...don't know how I posted twice...gremlins....

  6. If you stop blogging because everyone is stressing you out, I will personally kick every one of their butts! Don't you go anywhere, and don't let anyone get to you. That's an order, Mister!

  7. At least you didn't vote for Perot!

    (You did vote for Dole in '96, right???)

  8. "I hate little notes on my pillow. We're out of cornflakes, FU. It took me three days to figure out that FU stood for Felix Unger."

    Better line in a movie ever.

  9. I heart ya, cowboy. (Eyelashes fluttering) ;)

    Into each life alittle rain must fall!

  10. I like your blog, and I've nevr commented before, but I heard you saying that you refuse to censor, and remember when you censored that Waldo guy and that Paul guy.

  11. ARF - Nice try, Waldo. I GLADLY censor supporters of cop killers. I also gladly censored Paul for his blatant and frequent use of the "F" word. Not gonna happen here.

  12. And I also gladly censor liars who say they've "never commented before." The Site Meter says otherwise.

  13. ? I see why you censored them now, but you lost me somewhere.
